Peta e comerece Indonesia
Powered by iPrice
Monthly Visits
Average monthly visits of the website for the period April 2017 - June 2017
Source : Similarweb
Source : Similarweb
App Installs
Minimum number of App installs as per Google Play install brackets
Source: Google Play Store
Total worldwide downloads
Source: Google Play Store
Total worldwide downloads
No. Employees
Source: LinkedIn. If shown as (-),no information about the company available on LinkedIn.
* No. of employees for *Mapemall* includes staff from both online and offline stores.
* No. of employees for *Mapemall* includes staff from both online and offline stores.
Merchant List
1. We took the list from the official website of iDEA (Association of Indonesian E-Commerce).
We exclude every Ticketing, Mutual Funds, Rental, Insurance, Food Delivery, Coupon, Cashback & Classified Ads type E-Commerce.
2. E-commerce who qualified for this list meets the minimum requirement of 100,000 visitors per month or 100,000 social media followers.
We exclude every Ticketing, Mutual Funds, Rental, Insurance, Food Delivery, Coupon, Cashback & Classified Ads type E-Commerce.
2. E-commerce who qualified for this list meets the minimum requirement of 100,000 visitors per month or 100,000 social media followers.
See the data source for even more detail Data
To update the data : click here
IEMA Awards
iPrice E-Commerce Merchants Award (iEMA) 2016 is South East Asia preeminent awards voted and judged by online consumers. For more information click here
iPrice E-Commerce Merchants Award (iEMA) 2016 is South East Asia preeminent awards voted and judged by online consumers. For more information click here
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